We are all about learning and having fun around here! There are so many ways to get some learning in while enjoying it at the same time. It’s the perfect time of the year for this really fun experiment. You can actually get a pack of candy canes really inexpensively at the Dollar store or Walmart right now. Keep reading for the supplies needed & instructions. Be sure to come back & let us know how it went!
- 6 cups water
- ½ cup sugar, divided
- ½ cup salt, divided
- 6 candy canes
- Notebook & pencil
- Place 1 cup of water into three different cups. Into one cup, add ¼ cup sugar, stirring until it is dissolved. Into the second cup, add ¼ cup salt, stirring until dissolved.
- Heat the remaining 3 cups of water until hot.
- Place 1 cup of hot water into three different cups. Into one cup, add ¼ cup sugar, stirring until it is dissolved. Into the second cup, add ¼ cup salt, stirring until dissolved.
- Place one unwrapped candy cane into each cup of water. Set a timer for 2 minutes.
- When the timer goes off, check the candy canes and make note of which have changed.
- Continue checking the candy canes every 2 to 5 minutes, making note of the changes.
- Discuss which liquids caused the candy canes to dissolve faster/slower and why.
If desired, repeat the experiment using different room-temperature liquids such as vinegar, liquid dish soap, oil, soda pop, etc.
Janine says
Looks like fun.
Андрей says
This is such an awesome experiment!! We had our candy cane day Monday, but I am definitely going to be saving this idea for next year! So much fun!